A Few Words Loan Against Pledge Menu Bank Account Savings Account Fixed Account Current Account Recurring Accounts Loans Home Loan Vehicle Loan Loan Against Gold Personal Loan Professional Loan Mortgage Loan Loan Against Pledge Gurantee Repayment Loan Hypothecation Cash Credit Card LAFDR / Term Deposit Loan Against Govt. Security / NSC and KVP Loan to Traders Working Capital Loan / Cash Credit Loan to Traders Term Loan Product Loan Rate of Interest Loan Rate of Interest FD Rate of Interest Financial Position Charges AGM Reports DEA Fund List Loan Against Pledge Margin (Addition)30% margin depending upon agricultural products.AdditionShould be share holder or holding an account with the bank.Commodity : Cotton bells, Soyabean, Udit, Mug, ChanaPeriod 6 to 8 months. SecurityStock to be insured with the Bank clause.Lock and recipts are with Bank. Security and fumication has to be arranged by borrower.