A Few Words
Loan to Traders Term Loan
Loan to Traders Term Loan
Loan to Traders term Loan : Individual, Properiotorship Firm, Partnership Firm
- The Borrower Should have any type of Traders/ Businessmen/ having license holder, residing in the area of operation of the Bank.
- The applicants and the guarantors should be permanent member of the Bank.
- Construction of Commercial Shop
- Purchase of Commercial Shop
- Purchase of Furniture/ Fixture.
- Construction of Godown for storage of goods.
- Renovation, Repairs and addition of existing shop and godown.
Basis for Deciding of Loan Limit
- In case of Construction 25% Margin
- In case of others 20% margin
Maximum Loan sanction limit
- As per the exposure limit is fixed by the Bank to the single borrower and the group borrower.
- If require maximum up to 1 year. Moratorium period may be decided on the type of loan and business activity.
Repayment Period
- From 3 to 10 Years
Repayment Capacity of a Borrower
- Last three years balance sheet, Income tax returns
- In case of project report the loan limit decided on the acceptable projection.
- 35% household can be considered for repayment of loan.
Documents Requirements- Pre-approval
- Last three years Balance sheet
- Loan up to Rs. 10.00 Lacs un-audited financial statements and above Rs. 10.00 lacs Audited Financial Statements.
- Last three years Income tax returns.
- In case of New business activity project report for 3 to 10 years.
- Property Documents.
- Proof of Business such as license.
- Passport size photographs.
- Proof of residence.
- Two guarantors with good net worth.
Other Conditions
- After execution of registered mortgage charge of the Bank shall be noted on the mortgage property.
- The full value of the property shall be insured either from the borrower or by Bank. The insurance policy shall be in favour of the Bank & the charge of insurance will be borne by the borrower.
- The taxes shall paid by the borrower regularly and the proof shall be presented to the Bank.
Interest Rate Calculation
- Interest will be charge on monthly basis as per prevailing rate of the Bank.
Fees and Charge
- 2.5% Linking sgares
- Processing fees as per the Bank Rule
- Stamp duty as per Bank Rule.